If you know me, then you probably know I don’t like being around the hot things in the kitchen much but here’s a really easy and good thing I learned from a boy who liked to cook. It may seem silly to you high falutin cooking types but here it is:
Ok, alla you need is:
stove at 350 or 4
casserole dish w/ cover
whole potatoes-some or alot–peel em
ham,boloney,hot dogs (ick, only if you have to), or whatever have you for meat–cut up small
onion-also cut it up small
cream of mushroom or potato soup
turn it
Put it all in the dish and cook it for like about an hour.
While it’s cooking, have a few beers and talk smart. It will start to smell good and you’ll get the feeling that it will be very delicious.
Laura 12/91
(courtesy of the Toad)
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