Spaghetti Pie

In on December 24, 1991 with No Comments


Time 30 minutes
Difficulty Easy
Servings 8


1 part noodles (or however many there are)
1 jar sauce (go all out and get garden style)
1 mozzarella cheese (grated)
some parmesan cheese (however much you have)

Boil up some water.  A lot.  Put in the noodles.  Keeping an eye on the noodles, dump the sauce in a pot.  Heat it up.  Don’t forget to put a cover on since you can make one Class A mess if you don’t.  When the noodles are done, drain them well and mix them up with a goodly amount of parmesan.  Put the noodles in a casserole and pack ’em down good and tight.  Dump the sauce all over the noodles.   Spread the cheese over the top nice and even.  Pop it in the oven at about 350 for a while until the cheese bubbles.  Take it out.  Careful, it’s hot.  Enjoy.  Mmmm.  Sometimes this will serve only one.

  • You could go to a lot of trouble and make some clever sauce but that’s only for company.
  • Again, you might meet some picky type who would say get one of those triangle rocks o’ parmesan instead of the neat and handy green can.  Go ahead but only if you like bloody knuckles from all that grating.

John, (c) 1991