The Best Pumpkin Pie Ever (If You Are Not So Busy)

In on December 24, 2000 with No Comments


Time 2 hours
Difficulty Hard
Servings 8


For the crust:
1 1/2 cups ginger snap crumbs crushed, about a 1/2 pound bag
1/4 cup powdered sugar
1/4 cup butter melted
For the filling:
1 envelope gelatin unflavored
1 cup water cold
3 eggs separated
1/3 cup sugar
1/4 cup powdered sugar
1 1/4 cups pumpkin mashed, cooked or canned
1/2 cup milk
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ginger
1/4 teaspoon allspice
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
For the cream topping:
1 1/2 cups powdered sugar
1 cup heavy whipping cream
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon vanilla

For the crust: 1.5 cups crushed ginger snap crumbs (.5 lb. bag). A food processor crumbs them nicely, but if you don’t have one you can use a heavy “a very heavy” bowl and a blunt instrument.  Crush very small.  Add .25 cup powdered sugar, .25 cup melted butter then mix the crumbs and powdered sugar thoroughly “this is surprisingly hard to do, but carry on” and then mix in the melted butter.  “Press into a 10-inch pie pan, which is even surprisinglyer hard to do.”  Bake for 10 minutes at 325 deg. F. Set aside “carefully.”

For the filling:  1 envelope unflavored gelatin, .25 cup cold water.  Put the water in a bigger cup and dump the gelatin powder on top.  DO NOT STIR OR TOUCH IN ANY WAY!  “If you’re still with us, here comes the really hard parts.”

For the guts:  3 eggs, separated, .33 (one third) cup sugar, 1.25 cups mashed, cooked or canned pumpkin, .5 cup milk, .5 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, .25 teaspoon ginger, .5 teaspoon allspice, .25 teaspoon nutmeg.  (I say use your best judgement on the spices, but maybe you like math, then go ahead and do what they say here.)

Beat the yolks some.  Add the sugar and a whole lot more.  In a large, heavy pan “if too small, the stove will have to be replaced; if not heavy enough, the filling will scorch” combine the beaten yolks, sugar, pumpkin, milk, salt, and spices, mix thoroughly.  Over medium heat, “if you have a top-drawer stove and can actually achieve such, otherwise even more carefully,” stand there and stir constantly until it has come to, and remained for two minutes at, a full, plopping boil.  Remove from heat, stir in the gelatin prep until dissolved, and set aside to cool.  When cool, beat the egg whites until foamy, and then beat in .25 cup powdered sugar and continue beating until the whites are stiff.  Combine with the cooked pumpkin stuff, gritting your teeth at the sight if necessary.

For the cream topping:  1.25 cups powdered sugar, 1 cup heavy whipping cream, .5 teaspoon cinnamon (see above on spices), 1 teaspoon vanilla.  “Sift” (or like me you don’t have a sifter so just pretend you did) and then measure the powdered sugar.  Whip the cream until it begins to peak, and the whip in the sugar and beat to stability or exhaustion, whichever comes first.

Dump the filling in the crust, spread the cream on top (it will be stiffer than the filling), and chill in the refrigerator for at least a couple of hours.  Eat pretty soon (usually not a problem), as it tends to get gooey upon lying around.

  • Special thanks to the Dewey family.

John – 2000