Cut wings at joints – 1/2er’s. Throw out tips. Put 1/3 c. Pace, ketchup, honey and cumin in bowl-mix it all up. Pour it over the chicken wings. Marinate the chicken for about an hour in the fridge. Turn it a couple of times. Then, drain chicken and hand onto the extra stuff. Put chicken on foil-lined broiler pan. Bake at 375 for 1/2 hour.
Brush rest of junk on chicken. Turn chicken around. Do this every 10 minutes until tender-about 30 mins.
*Now, if you’re making this ahead of time you can stop here-can do this up to 24 hrs in advance-when you’re ready to serve it, put it 6 inches away from broiler and cook for 4-5 mins, turn and do it again. If you want to serve them NOW, broil 2-3 mins or until sauce is dry.
Now, put sour cream in bowl. Put rest of pace on top of sour cream. Now dip the chicken in the mixture. Delish.
Laura 1992
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