Perfect Popcorn

In , on February 23, 2017 with No Comments


Time 10 minutes
Difficulty Easy
Servings 8


1/3 cup corn unpopped
3 tablespoons coconut oil

Here’s what to do:

Melt the oil in the pan.  Once melted, add 3 kernels to the pot.  Cover and wait.  Once all 3 pop, add rest of kernels and salt liberally.  Remove from heat and count to 30.  This the key.  Put pan back on heat and let it pop.  Shake the pot around a bit, keeping the pan covered.  Once the pops get to be 5-10 seconds apart you’re done.  You should have a perfect pot of corn with no unpopped seeds.  Sprinkle your favorite seasoning on top if you like.

DNA 2016